The Terrace View Monday night men’s golf league is a 2 man league that is fun and casual for men 18+.
Shotgun Starts at 5:30 every Monday, match play against other teams. No Handicap needed. After 2 weeks of play, your handicap will be provided for you. Points are then based on handicap.
Playoffs wrap up the season toward the end of July, early August pending rain days.
Subs are allowed to play during the season but must have an established handicap by playing at least 2 weeks during the regular season to qualify for playoffs. Official rules will be discussed at the league meeting.
The League meeting will be in April, with a starting date in May, determined at the meeting and dependant on weather. Sign up for emails to learn more about the league meeting dates.
Max Teams: 22 (filled for the 2024 season)
April 8, 2024 @ 6:00pm
Terrace View Clubhouse
1 person per team
LEAGUE BEGINS: April 15, 2024
The Terrace View Wednesday night men’s golf league is a 4 man league that is fun and casual for men 18+.
Shotgun Start at 5:30 every Wednesday, match play against other teams. 4 person team is divided into two based on handicap 2 of 4 players start on a hole with the other two players starting on the hole behind. No Handicap needed. After 2 weeks of play, your handicap will be provided for you. Points are then based on handicap.
Playoffs wrap up the season toward the end of July, early august pending rain days.
Subs are allowed to play during the season but must have an established handicap by playing at least 2 weeks during the regular season to qualify for playoffs. Official rules discussed at the league meeting.
The league meeting will be in April, with starting date in May, determined at the meeting and dependant on the weather. Sign up for emails to learn more about league meeting dates.
Max Teams: 18 (filled for the 2024 season)
April 10, 2024 @ 6:00pm
Terrace View Clubhouse
1 person per team
LEAGUE BEGINS: April 17, 2024
The Terrace View Tuesday Morning Men’s Senior League is open to men 55+. No commitment in this league. Come once or come every week. Shotgun start at 10:00am.
Randomly paired up with a group of guys, your team takes on the other teams all while playing the best shot between the 4 of you.
RSVP by emailing in by Monday by 6:00 pm —this one sells out at 72! smte5110@charter.net
$12 Green Fees
The Terrace view ladies league is a fun and casual league for ladies of all ages and abilities. Tee times are set up for Monday mornings starting at 8:30 am.
The format is single play. You will be randomly paired with 3 other golfers that will change every week. Fun & different games played each week and prizes awarded accordingly to keep you coming back for more play!
Sporadic Friday- this no-commitment league is perfect for date nights! RSVP by the Wednesday before. A great league for beginner golfers.
Best ball between you and your partner. Play 9 holes with another couple. Once scorecards are turned in the surprise game of the night declares the winner of the gift card, so it’s not all about the score! Dinner & Fun in the clubhouse after.
204 Dates:
Join our email list to be updated on how to sign up: Note if we do not get adequate teams signed up we will cancel.
For more information about Terrace View Golf Course leagues, click the button below to contact us.
The Minneopa Golf Club Ladies League is a fun and casual league for ladies of all ages and abilities. Tee times are set for Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am.
The format is single play, you will be randomly paired with 3 other golfers that will change every week. Fun & different games played each week and prizes awarded accordingly to keep you coming back for more play!
The Sportsmen Golf League at Minneopa Golf Club is a 2 man league every Thursday night. This league was formed and established in 1996 by a couple of guys who loved to hunt, fish, and play golf of course!
Two-man teams playing a low ball, low total format. April-August play, 9 hole shotgun start at 5:30 pm.
Max Teams: 22
April 11, 2024 @ 5:30pm
Minneopa Golf Club
1 person per team
LEAGUE BEGINS: April 25, 2024
The Adam & Eve Golf League is a social league that was started to provide a fun, non-competitive game to encourage couples to golf together. All skill levels welcome!
The format is Scotch Doubles, which is an alternate shot format that is appropriate for all skill levels. Each team consists of one man and one woman. Shotgun start at 6:00 pm on Tuesday Nights. Golf 9 holes and hang out in the clubhouse after!
2024 League dates: May 7 through September 3. Winner declared on Traveling Trophy.
2024 season still has spots available!
April 30, 2024 @ 6:00pm
Minneopa Golf Club
For more information about Minneopa Golf Club leagues, click the button below to contact us.